VFW QUILTS will be CLOSED September 5th - September 20th. Orders will start shipping again 9/23/24

VFW QUILTS will be CLOSED September 5th - September 20th. Orders will start shipping again 9/23/24

QuiltCon Recap!

March 02, 2016


Shelly and I thank again the voters for picking Mr. Swirl E. Bones for Viewers choice! (and Judges Choice)  Shelly and I discussed this quilt, as I was making it, as I just knew I would not have time to quilt it the way I hoped too. Shelly quilts many of my quilts, so we have a great partnership and she understands my work.  It certainly helps to have a best friend quilt your work!  For a quilt of this nature, (meaning I made it to be entered in the show) do not pay her to quilt it.  It is a collaboration. We talked about what the quilting needed to be, and what I was thinking. It was a true collaborative effort between her and I. 

I designed the quilt, and I gave my ideas to Shelly about elements I'd like to see in the quilting carried through the quilt. She was free to add her story to my quilt. I often work this way.   This also means, the monetary award is half Shelly's and half mine...  This is OUR quilt.


I think this is important, just like when I won Best in Show for Double Edged Love, Lisa Sipes is credited for her beautiful work, half the prize money went to Lisa. Lisa also, was not paid for her quilting on Double Edged Love. It's a collaboration, it is OUR quilt ,We put our two brains together so the award is split between the two of us.  


Giving credit where credit is due, is very important. Personally and historically, and in this day and age where inspiration is plentiful, why not share where/who you were inspired by? 

It's an honor an a "good humanly thing to do." 




Tricia Royal's beautiful quilt, "A Kiss for Paul" was inspired by a block and Play process from my 15 Minutes of PLAY book, and I'm honored that she emailed me and asked me about submitting this and mentioning (and giving credit) where her inspiration came from. (This is an honor, Thank you) It is her beautiful artistic vision that put this wonderful quilt together, her color choices are fabulous, I love what she did, and thank you again for giving the credit. Frank Palmer quilted this beauty. Frank does some quilting for me too.  So many talented people out there...




Other Personal Favorites from QuiltCon:



By Leslie Tucker Jenison, the graphic design power and simplicity of this quilt knocks my socks off... I love the color. Design wise, probably my most favorite quilt at the show.


 Kerri Green... Design and color, Fabulous. Well done!  (Anyone know a link for her? Thank you)


 Plaid on Point: Jennifer Jones Rossotti Quilted by Darby Myer

What's not to love? Great use of color.

Color definitely caught my eye at this show...Obviously!


 Frequency   (title correct?? Hard to read from my image, let me know)

 by Cheryl Brickey : Mini Triangle quilt challenge.

Very nicely done.


 Falling by Kathy York.  Impeccably made, clean, and very beautiful visually.... Gorgeous color.

Kathy won QuiltCon last year.



I'm sorry I did not get the name of this quilts maker... Anyone know?

I love it's simplistic pattern, and graphic punch.  Everything about it makes me happy.   

Love the color palette. 

It's bold and gutsy.


(Anyone know the maker?  Please let me know... Thanks!)



It's hard to pick favorites... I literally had one hour to walk the floor to see quilts, so I looked for what grabbed my eyes and allowed my intuition to guide me.


Well done to all who had quilts in the show. 

What I love about QuiltCon is that everyone is so happy to be there.  I also LOVE that they hang the quilts on LIGHT backgrounds. It feels so much air-ier and happier then any other show. (those black drapes really make for cave like viewing at other shows) The brightness really adds to the show.


I love teaching at QuiltCon also. Students are very happy to be there... And everything ran very smoothly, in my experience.


Images from my awesome students work, in the classes I taught, coming soon.




Till Next year QuiltCon peeps! See you in Savannah!


Also in Victoria Findlay Wolfe Quilts

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