Vintage hand pieced quilt top. Edges should be trimmed, as they an unfinished and little holes and open seams. Inside of the quilt top is in pretty good shape. Would be such a lovely quilt if finished. It needs a good home who will hand quilt it into a snuggly quilt.
Quilts & quilt tops are sold as is.
Email for international shipping inquiries, as additional postage may be required.
Size: 80" X 80" Date: 2012 Cotton Batting, Cotton fabrics Large scrappy star quilt, with a black/cream backing with leftover fabrics in a square on the back. Has a...
Size: 47" X 47" Date: 2011 Cotton Batting, Cotton fabrics Lap quilt Designed and Made by Victoria Findlay Wolfe Hand Bound Binding. Quilts are sold as is. Email for...
Quilt Size: 63" X 63" Placemat size: 16" X 16" Napkins: 18.5" Date: 2012 A set! Picnic quilt, three placemats and 3 napkins made with Bella fabrics by Lotta Jansdotter...